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Leonard Susskind / George Hrabovsky
The Theoretical Minimum
What you need to know to start doing physics
2014 (First published: 2013)
If you ever regretted not taking physics in college -- or simply want to know how to think like a physicist -- this is the book for you. In this bestselling introduction to classical mechanics, physicist Leonard Susskind and hacker-scientist George Hrabovsky offer a first course in physics and associated math for the ardent amateur. Challenging, lucid, and concise, The Theoretical Minimum provides a tool kit for amateur scientists to learn physics at their own pace. More ...
256 Pages
Stephen Hawking
The Illustrated Brief History of Time
Updated and Expanded Edition
1996 (First published: 1988)
In the years since its publication in 1988, Stephen Hawking's A Brief History Of Time has established itself as a landmark volume in scientific writing.  It has become an international publishing phenomenon, translated into forty languages and selling over nine million copies.  The book was on the cutting edge of what was then known about the nature of the universe, but since that time there have been extraordinary advances in the technology of macrocosmic worlds. These observations have confirmed many of Professor Hawkin's theoretical predictions in the first edition of his book.
248 Pages
Karl F. Kuhn / Frank Noschese
Basic Physics. 3rd Edition
A Self-Teaching Guide
2020 (First published: 1996)
This is the most practical and reader-friendly guide to understanding all basic physics concepts and terms. The expert authors take a flexible and interactive approach to physics based on new research-based methods about how people most effectively comprehend new material. The book takes complex concepts and breaks them down into practical, easy to digest terms. This Self-Teaching Guide helps you master the principles that govern not only our physical world, but all of space and time. More ...
352 Pages
Richard P. Feynman
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!"
Adventures of a Curious Character
2018 (First published: 1985)
Richard P. Feynman, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, thrived on outrageous adventures. In this lively work that “can shatter the stereotype of the stuffy scientist” (Detroit Free Press), Feynman recounts his experiences trading ideas on atomic physics with Einstein and cracking the uncrackable safes guarding the most deeply held nuclear secrets. In his stories, Feynman’s life shines through in all its eccentric glory - a combustible mixture of high intelligence, unlimited curiosity, and raging chutzpah.
400 Pages
Michio Kaku
The Future of Humanity
Our Destiny in the Universe
2019 (First published: 2018)
Entering a new Golden Age of space exploration, Dr. Michio Kaku presents a vision for sustainable space civilization using cutting-edge tech like robotics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology. He explores possibilities for terraforming and inhabiting cities on Mars and beyond, and the potential for interstellar travel using technologies like nanoships, laser sails, and fusion rockets. Kaku delves into topics like warp drive, wormholes, hyperspace, parallel universes, and the multiverse, and ultimately, shows how humans may achieve immortality through laser porting to new space havens.
368 Pages

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